The Bull Trout: Centering Oldman River Native Trout Species

The Bull Trout: Centering Oldman River Native Trout Species

Since 1990 the Peigan Friends Along the River Fish Rescue has brought Indigenous and non-Indigenous together to ensure generations of fish from the Oldman River continue. Year after year many species are saved, in particular the Bull Trout.

This year's logo honours the Bull Trout. This native species of trout is listed as Endangered under Alberta's Wildlife Act. Artist Ryley Williams chose to center this critical species in the logo for 2023. 

Learn more by checking out the 2020-2021 Blackfoot Confederacy Tribal Council Native Trout Recovery Project. 


Check out this year's merch!

We have also added merchandise from previous years' Fish Rescues. Make sure to check it all out here.

We look forward to solidifying a date for the 2023 Fish Rescue. Last year there was a need to keep irrigation running for longer and so the Fish Rescue was rescheduled for the week afterwards. So while the date is usually the Saturday of the October long weekend, with the dry conditions we are facing it is more likely that the rescue will happen on the following weekend. Stay tuned for a confirmation closer to the date! 

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